Yurtidışında Sunulmuş Tebliğler

1 Özcan U, Gökmen O, Oral H, Durmuş Z, Çiçek N, Çobanoğlu O Contraceptive methods and
our surgical sterilization XII World Congress on Fertility and Sterility Marrakesh, 1989
2 Gökmen O, Batıoğlu S, Gülmezoğlu M. Oral H. Özcan U. Aral K. Büyükkağnıcı U. Durmuş z:
Autoimmunity ın patients wıth endometriosis Second Congress of the International Socıety of
Gynecological t.Endocrınology. Jerusalem. Israel. March 18-23, 1990.
3 Gökmen B. Gökmen O, Günenç Z The ovarıan dysfunctıon and follıcular development ın mıld
and minimal endometrıosıs Second congress of the International Society of Gynecological
Endocrınology Jerusalem, Israel, March 18-23, 1990.
4 Saraçoğlu ÖF. Kutluk Ş, Oral H, Gökmen O. Özcan U. Durmuş Z Sterilization regret among
Turkish women III World Conference Fallopıan Tube m Health and Dısease Kıel W Germany
July 3-6. 1990
5 Batıoğlu S. Zorlu G, Gökmen O. Büyükkağnıcı Ü Serum magnesıum levels ın preeclamptıcs III
European Winter Conference ın Gynecology and Obstetrics Madonna dı Campiglio, Italy 3-10
February 1991
6 Gökmen O. Batıoğlu S, Oral H. Doğu N Growth hormone levels ın patıents who are resistant
to gonadotropın therapy III. European Wınter Conference ın Gynecology and Obstetrics
Madonna di Campıglio. Italy 3-10 February, 1991.
7 Gökmen O, Gülerman C, Oral H, Çağlar T, Özcan U: The efficacy of suprafact in
endometriosis therapy. XIII World Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO). Singapore
15-20, September 1991.
8 Dilbaz G, Gökmen O, Oral H, Özcan U, Çağlar T: Changes in tubal anatomy ın infertile
women. XIII World Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO). Singapore 15-20,
September 1991.
9 Cftal H. Aral K, Batıoğlu S, Gökmen O, Çağlar T, Doğu N: Peritoneal fluıd and serum E-P
concentratıons ın LUF syndrome. XIII World Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetrıcs (FIGO).
Singapore 15-20, September 1991.
10 Özcan U. Çağlar T, Gökmen O, Oral H: 70 vagınoplasty operatıons ın Z.T Burak Women
Hospital. XIII World Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetrıcs (FIGO). Singapore 15-20,
September 1991.
11 Özakşıt G. Şenöz S, Gökmen O, Özcan U, Oral H, Atalay T Intrauterıne insemination with
washed human spermatozoa does not sitmulate antısperm antıbody production- A prospectıve
study. III World Congress of Gynecologıcal Endocrınology Trentıno Italy'9-16 February 1992.
12 Özakşıt G. Turhan N, Gökmen O, Oral H: The correlation of serum CA 125 levels wıth
endometrial thickness and corpus luterum functıon (FC 57). III. World Congress of
Gynecological Endocrinology Trentıno Italy 9- 16 February 1992.
13 Gökmen O, Çağlar T, Gülerman C, Çiçek N. Oral H: The effectıveness of a gonadotropin
releasing hormone analog in the treatment of endometrıosis. 3rd World Congress of
Gynecologıcal Endocrinology Trentıno. Italy February 9-16, 1992
14 Turhan N. Şenöz S, Güleklı B, Gökmen O: Clinical and endocrıne features of ultrasound
diagnosed polycstıc ovary patients; the correlation between ovarian volume and androgen
activity. Satellite Symposıum to the 9th International Congress of Endocrinology August 24-26,
15 Özakşıt G, Güleklı B, Şenöz S, Turhan N, Gökmen O: Lipıd profiles ın women wıth hırsutism.
Satellite Symposium to the 9th International Congress of Endocrinology August 24-26, 1992.
16 Şenöz S, Turhan N, Özakşit G, Gülekli B, Gökmen O: Improved treatment for anovulation in
clomiphene resistant patients with polycystıc ovarian syndrome by progesterone. Satellite
Symposium to the 9th International Congress of Endocrinology August 24-26, 1992.
17. Gülekli B, Özakşit G, Turhan N, Şenöz S, Gökmen O: Tamoxifene: An altematıve approach in
clomiphene resistant polycystic ovarian
syndrome patients. Satellite Symposium to the 9th International Congress of Endocrinology
August 24-26, 1992.
18 Şenöz S, Özakşit G, Turhan NÖ, Çağlar T, Gökmen O Lipid profiles in women with hırsutısm
and polycystıc ovaries. 3rd World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Trentino, Italy
February 9-16, 1992
19 Danışman N, Ekici E, Özmen E. Yapar E, Gökmen O: The yolk sac ın early pregnancy
outcome. The Second world Congress of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bonn.
Germany , 28 June -3 July 1992.
20 Ekici E, Yapar EG, Özmen Ş, Danışman N, Gökmen O Ectopıc pregnancy: transvagınal
sonographic findings of 152 cases. The Second World Congress of Ultrasound ın Obstetrics
and Gynecology, Bonn. Germany , 28 June -3 July 1992
21 Qzmen Ş. Ekici E. Danışman N, Yapar EG. Gökmen O: Single umblical artery The Second
World Congress of Ultrasound ın Obstetrics and Gynecology , Bonn, Germany , 28 June -3 July
22 Ekici E, Şener B, Yapar EG, Danışman N, Gökmen O: Endometrial assesment by transvagınal
ultrasonography before endometrial samplıng ın patıents with postmenopausal bleedıng. The
Second World Congress of Ultrasound ın Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bonn. Germany . 28 June
-3 July 1992.
23 Ekici E, Danışman N, Işık AZ, Yapar EG, Gökmen O Dandy Walker malformatıonın Meckel 's
syndrome The Second World Congress of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bonn,
Germany , 28 June -3 July 1992.
24 Ekici E, Soysal M, Doğan M, Ergun.Y, Gökmen O Ultrasonography of malignant lymphoma.
The Second World Congress of Ultrasound ın Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bonn, Germany , 28
June -3 July 1992.
25. Ekici E. Doğan MM, Soysal ME, Gökmen O: Transvaginal doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis
and follo-up of invasive gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. The Second World Congress of
Ultrasound ın Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bonn, Germany , 28 June -3 July 1992.
26. Gürkan Z, Aral K, Çobanoğlu Ö, Güler S, Gökmen O: Pelvic inflamatory disease and
intrauterine devices; do we need prophylactic antibiotic to
reduce the febrıle complications. Satellite Symposium to the 9th International Congress of
Endocrinology August 24-26, 1992.
27 Aral K. Zorlu G, Çobanoğlu Ö, Gökmen O IUD (Cu T 380 A) insertion followıng ınduced first
trimester abortıon. Eight Annual Meetıng of Advence ın Contraception Barcelona Spaın October
28-31, 1992.
28 Aral K. Zorlu G, Gökmen O Plasma human chorionıc gonadotropın levels after ınduced
abortıon. Eight Annual Meetıng in Advances ın Contraception Barcelona Spaın October 28-31,
29 Seçkin NC, Turhan NÖ, Şener B, Kükner S, Gökmen O Labour and delivery ın grandmultıpara.
Foundation Congress of the European Socıety for Gynecologic and Obstetrıc
Investgation Madonna/ltaly 1992
30 Kükner S, Kuşçu E, Çobanoğlu Ö, Vicdan K, Dabakoğlu T, Gökmen O; Gestatıonal
trophoblastıc neoplasia ın adolescents. Foundation Congress of the European Socıety for
Gynecologic and Obstetrıc Investıgatıon Madonna/ltaly 1992
31 Kükner S, Vicdan K, Dabakoğlu T, Kuşçu E, Turhan NÖ, Gökmen O Importance of antenatal
care ın adolescent pregnancies Foundation Congress of the European Socıety for Gynecologic
and Obstetrıc Investıgatıon Madonna/ltaly 1992
32 Ekici E Turhan N, Güleklı B. Çobanoğlu O, Şenöz S. Gökmen O Hyperreactio luteinalis in a
normal singleton pregnancy: A case report Foundation Congress of the European Socıety for
Gynecologic and Obstetrıc Investigation Trention Italy Feb 7-14, 1993
33 Kükner S, Vicdan K, Dabakoğlu T, Ergin T, Keleş G, Gökmen O Epıdemıology of
dysmenorrhea ın adolescents. Foundation Congress of the European Society for Gynecologic
and Obstetric Investıgatıon Madonna/ltaly 1992.
34 Yapar EG, Ekici E, Danışman N, Gökmen O. Çobanoğlu Ö: Sonographic appearences of
myometrial contractions. Foundation Congress of the European Society for Gynecologic and
Obstetric Investigation Trention Italy Feb 7-14, 1993.
35. Gökmen O, Çağlar T, Gülerman C, Çiçek N, Oral H, Özcan U. The effectiveness of a
gonadotropın releasing hormone analog in the treatment of endometriosis. Foundation
Congress of European Society for Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigatıon Italy Feb 7-14, 1993.
36. Gülerman C, Çağlar T, Özakşıt G, Doğu N. Gökmen O Serum progesteron levels in the
dıagnosıs of ectopic pregnancy. Foundation Congress of European Society for Gynecologic and
Obstetric Investigatıon Italy Feb 7-14, 1993.
37 Turhan NÖ, Seçkin NC, Gülekli B, Şenöz S, Gökmen O: Low maternal hematocrıt and preterm
labor. Foundation Congress of European Society for Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigatıon
Italy Feb 7-14, 1993
38 Işık AZ, Alaybeyoğlu L, Çetinkaya T, Yapar EG, Gökmen O Comparıson of rıtodrine and
nıfedipine ın the management of preterm labor Foundation Congress of the European Scciety
for Gynecologic s!nd Obstetric Investıgation Madonna/ltaly 1992.
39 Gülekli B, Şenöz S, Turhan NÖ, Seçkin NC Ozakşit G, Çağlar T, Gökmen O: Endometrial
hyperplasia durıng ovulatıon ınduction: case report. Foundation Congress of European Society
for Gynecologic and Obstetric Investıgation Italy Feb 7-14, 1993
40. Gökmen O Preterm birth; the incidence. risk factors, dıagnosis and policy at Dr. Zekai Tahır
Burak Women' s Hospital. Foundation Congress of European Society for Gynecciogic and
Obstetric Investigatıon Italy Feb 7-14, 1993
41 Şenöz S, Özakşıt G, Turhan NO. Gülekli B, Çağlar T, Gökmen O Lıpıd profiles ın women wıth
hirsutısm and polycys:;c ovarıes. Foundation Congress of European Society for Gyneccogıc
and Obstetric Investıgation Italy Feb 7-14, 1993.
42 Çağlar G, Gülerman C, Çiçek N, Özcan U, Gökmen O; The outcome of ectopic pregnancy
treated with laparoscopy and minılaparotomy Foundation Congress of European Society fer
Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation Italy Feb 7-14, 1993.
43. Kükner S, Vicdan K, Dabakoğlu T, Kuşçu E, Turhan N, Gökmen O. Importance of Antenatal
Care in Adolescent Pregnancies Foundation Congress of European Society for Gynecoiogic
and Obstetric Investigation Italy Feb 7-14, 1993.
44 Ekici E, Turhan N, Gülekli B, Çobanoğlu Ö, Şenöz S, Gökmen O Hyperreactıo Luteinalis in a
normal singleton pregnacy: A Case Report Foundation Congress of European Society for
'Gynecologic and Obstetrıc Investıgatıon Italy Feb 7-14, 1993
45. Kükner S, Dabakoğlu T, Vicdan K, Danışman N, Ergin T, Gökmen O Is adolescent pregnancy
a risk factor. First International Meetıng on Practıcal Obstetrics, Paris-France May 25-28, 1993
46 Işık AZ, Alaybeyoğlu L, Çetinkaya T, Gökmen O: Comparison of rıtodrine and nıfedipine in the
management of preterm labor First International Meeting on Practical Obstetrics, Parıs-France
May 25-28. 1993
47 Kuşçu E, Eryetişir H, Şener B, Seçkin N, Çobanoğlu O, Gökmen O Twin pregnancy at Dr.
Zekaı Tahır Burak Women 's Hospıtal First International Meeting on Practıcal Obstetrics, ParısFrance
25-28 Maı. 1993.
48 Sağlamtaş M, Yılmaz Z, Yeşilyurt H, Vicdan K, Yalçın H, Orbay G, Gökmen O: Rupture of the
pregnant uterus: Incidence, maternal and fetal mortality, and etıologic factors. First International
Meeting on Practıcal Obstetrics, Parıs-France 25-28 Maı, 1993.
49 Yılmaz Z. Sağlamtaş M, Gökay Z, Vicdan K, Orbay G, Gökmen O Comparison of maternal
and early neonatal effects of vacum extractıon with forceps extractıo. First International Meeting
on Practıcal Obstetrıcs, Paris-France 25-28 Mai, 1993.
50 Şener B, Seçkin N, Gökmen O The compliance wıth hormone replacement therapy.
International 13 th. Puijo Symposium "Dıet. Exercıse and Women's Health" June 20-23, 1983,
Kuopıo, Fınland.
51 Seçkin N, Şener B, Gökmen O. The lipid lipoprotein levels in postmenapausal women with
high body mass index and responses to hormone replacement therapy. International 13 th.
Puijo Symposium "Diet, Exercise and Women's Health" June 20-23, 1983, Kuopio, Finland.
52 Orhon E, Bulgurlu H, Gökmen O: Combıned treatment of depressıon ın menopause. 7th
International Congress on the Menopause Stockholm. Sweden June 20-24, 1993.
53 Seçkin N, Şener AB, Gözen A, Kutlay L, Çobanoğlu Ö, Gökmen O Özıpek Ş. The ımportance
of fluid collectıon in endometrial cavıty ın postmenopausal women. 7th International Congress
on the Menopause Stockholm, Sweden June 20-24, 1993.
54 Seçkin N, Gökmen O, Şener AB, Kuşçu E, Bulgurlu H, Orhon E, Varol N Treatment of
menopausal hot flushes with oral admınistration of clonıdıne. 7th International Congress on the
Menopause Stockholm. Sweden June 20-24, 1993
55 Gökmen O, Seçkin N, Şener B. Şenöz S, Tanzer F, Ekici E: Is routıne endometrial sampling
necessary before hormone replacement therapy7 7th International Congress on the Menopause
Stockholm. Sweden June 20-24, 1993
56 Gökmen O, Şener B, Seçkin N, Bulgurlu H, Orhan E: A study of menopause ın Turkish
women. 7th International Congress on Menopause. Stockholm, Sweden June 20-24, 1993.
57 Şener B, Seçkin N, Gökmen O, Arıbaş D, Ardıcı Ş, Bingöl M: Evaluatıon of contınuous
combıned low-dose regımen of estrogen-progestıne for the hormonal treatment of the
menopausal patıent. 7th International Congress on Menopause Stockholm, Sweden June 20-
24, 1993
58 Gökmen O, Seçkin N, Şener A, Taner D, Turhan N, Doğu N A comparıson of contınuous
versus sequential hormone replacement therapy ın postmenopausal women. 7th International
Congress on Menopause. Stockholm, Sweden June 20-24, 1993.
59 Seçkin N, Gökmen O, Şener B. Altınok M, Ekmekçi S: Fıbrocystıc breast condition in
postmenopausal patients. 7th International Congress on Menopause. Stockholm, Sweden June
20-24, 1993.
60. Şener A, Seçkin N, Gökmen O, Kutlay L, Gülekli B, Özakşit G, Şimşek B: Cytological effects of
transdermally and orally administered estrogen of vaginal mucosa. 7th International Congress
on Menopause. Stockholm, Sweden June 20-24, 1993.
61 Aydemir E. Ekici E, Seçkin N, Şener B, Gökmen O, Turhan N, Özmen Ş: Effects of estrogen
and progesteron on arterial blood flow in postmenopausal women. 7th International Congress
on Menopause. Stockholm. Svveden June 20-24, 1993.
62 Seçkin N. Şener B, Gökmen O. Çetindağ I, Özakşit G, Bingöl M: The bone mineral status of
Turkish postmenopausal vvomen 7th International Congress on the Menopause, Stockholm,
Svveden, June 20-24, 1993.
63 Şener B. Kuşçu E, Seçkin N, Taner D, Gökmen O: Vulvar pathologies in postmenopausal
vvomen. 7th International Congress on Menopause Stockholm, Svveden June 20-23, 1993
64 Seçkin N, Gökmen O, Şener B, Kuşçu E, Bulgurlu H, Varol N Treatment of menapausal hot
flushes with oral admınıstration of clonıdıne. 7th International Congress on the Menopause,
Stockholm, Svveden. June 20-23, 1993.
65 Gökmen O, Şener B, Seçkin N. Çetindağ I, Özmen Ş: Treatment of establıshed osteoporosıs
ın postmenopause. 7th International Congress on the Menopause, Stockholm, Svveden, June
20-24, 1993.
66 Şener AB, Seçkin N, Gökmen O. Şenöz S, Güleklı B, Büyükkağnıcı Ü, Özipek S. A
comparison of the effects of progesterone types on serum lıpıds and lıpoproteıns. 7th
International Congress on the Menopause, Stockholm, Svveden, June 20-24. 1993.
67. Kuşçu E, Çobanoğlu E, Ergun Y, Zorlu G, Aydoğdu T, Gökmen O Clınıcal experıence ın molar
pregnancıes. International Meeting of Gynecologıcal Oncology Barcelona, 1993
68 Zorlu G, Çobanoğlu Ö, Ergün Y, Kuşçu E. Gökmen O: Risk factors and lymph node
ınvolvement in stage I cervıcal cancer. International Meeting of Gynecological Oncology
Barcelona, 1993.
69. Zorlu G, Çobanoğlu Ö, Ergun Y, Kuşçu E, Gökmen O: Clınıcal evaluation of ovarian cancer:
How does it corelate with second look laparotomy findings? International Meeting of
Gynecological Oncology Barcelona, 1993.
70. Çobanoğlu Ö, Zorlu G, Kuşçu E, Ergün Y, Aydoğdu T, Gökmen O; Clinical experience of 115
early stage cervical cancer. International Meetıng of Gynecologicai Oncology Barcelona, 1993.
71 "Aydoğdu T, Kuşçu E, Zorlu G, Ergün Y, Çağlar T, Gökmen O Reproductıve outcome after
chemotherapy for gestational trophoblastic disease International Meetıng of Gynecologicai
Oncology Barcelona, 1993
72. Kuşçu E, Zorlu G, Çobanoğlu O, Ergün Y. Kutlay L, Seçkin N, Gökmen O: Treatment of vulvar
dystrophıes vvith topıcal agents. International Meetıng of Gynecologicai Oncology Barcelona,
73. Yapar EG. Orbay G, Gökmen O Causes of maternal mortality (1982- 1992) ın Turkey. 2rd
VVorld Congress of Perinatal Medicine Rome, 1993
74 Şahın N, Şenöz S, Özcan T, Direm B. Doğu N, Gökmen O: The concentratıon of plasma. atrıal
natrıuretic factor ın normal and Preeclamptıc Pregnancies, the Fetus as Patıent Tokyo, 1993
75. Özcan T, Şenöz S, Şahin N, Dırem B, Gökmen O: The change ın atrıal natrıuretic peptıde
concentrations after acute plasma volume expansıon in normal pregnancy and preeclampsıa
2rd VVorld Congress of Perinatal Medicine Rome, 1993
76 Danışman N. Ozmen S, Çobanoğlu Ö. Yapar EG, Gökmen O Inductıon of labour vvith
prostaglandın gel ın severe preeclampsıa and eclampsıa. 2rd VVorld Congress of Perinatal
Medicine Rome, 1993.
77. Mungan T. Gökmen O, Vicdan K, Yalçın H: Tyroid hormone levels in macrosomıc fetus. 2rd
VVorld Congress of Perinatal Medicine 19-24 September. 1993.
78 Şener B, Seçkin N, Gökmen O. Özmen Ş, Ekici E: The effects of hormone replacement therapy
on uterıne fibroids. International Symposium on VVomen 's Health in Menopause Milan, Italy
26-29, 1993.
79. Gökmen O, Şener B, Seçkin N: A study prematüre ovarian failure in Turkish vvomen
International Symposiam on VVomen 's Health in Menopause Milan, Italy 26-29, 1993.
80. Seçkin N, Şener B, Gökmen O, Ekmekçi S: Hormone replacement therapy and blood presure,
fasting, blood glucose and vveight gain.
International Symposiam on VVomen 's Health in Menopause Milan, Italy 26-29, 1993
81. Doğan M. Soysal ME, Kara S, Gökmen O: Eclampsia ın Ankara. 14th European Congress of
Perinatal Medicıne. June îr-81 1994 Helsinki Finland.
82 Doğan M, Ekici E, Yapar EG, Soysal S, Soysal S, Kara S, Gökmen O İn lencephaly
sonographıc pathologic correlation. A report of 14 cases 14th European
83 Ekici E, Soysal ME, Doğan M, Kara S, Gökmen O: Antenatal dıagnosis of epıgnathus case
report. 14th European Congress of Perinatal Medicine. June 5-81 1994 Helsinki Finland
84 Kara S, Ekici E, Doğan M, Soysal ME, Gökmen O Prenatal diagnosis of lethal osteogenesis
imprefecta, case report. 14th European Congress of Perinatal Medicine June 5-81 1994
Helsinki Finland.
85 Ekici E, Doğan M, Soysal ME, Kara S, Gökmen O Gossypıboma: A report of two cases after
cesarean section-ultrasound diagnosis. 14th European Congress of Perinatal Medicine. June 5-
81 1994 Helsinki Finland.
86 Keçeci H, Soysal ME, Kara S, Doğan M, Gökmen O Actıve management of labor in
prımigravide. 14th European Congress of Perinatal Medicine. June 5-81 1994 Helsinki Finland
87. Soysal ME, Doğan M, Kara S, Gökmen O. Modıfied cohen ıncısıon ın cesaren section. 14th
European Congress of Perinatal Medicine. June 5-81 1994 Helsinki Finland
88 Zorlu G. Turan C, Işık Z, Çağlar T, Danışman N, Gökmen O Intrauterıne fetal demişe of sıngle
fetus ın tvvın pregnancy. 14th European Congress of Perinatal Medicine. June 5-81 1994
Helsinki Finland.
89. Kara S, Doğan M, Soysal ME, Gökmen O: Causes of low bırth vveight in public and private
patients. 14th European Congress of Perinatal Medicine. June 5-8 1994, Helsinki Finland.
90. Lembet A.Steroid and antibiotic use in preterm prematüre rupture of membranes. What are the
risks and benefits for the mother and the
neonate. The First VVorld Congress On Labor and Delivery July 3-7,1984 Jerusalem, Israel
91 Lembet A The role of NST, Fetal breathıng movements and amniotic index determınatıon in
preterm prematüre rupt of membranes the correlatıon vvith the neonatal and maternal morbidity.
First VVorld Congress On Labor and DeliveryJuly 3-7,1984 Jerusalem, Israel
92 Öztürk Ö.lntraamniotic infection ın preterm prematüre rupture of membranes the diagnostic
procedures and their correlation vvith maternal and neonatal infection. First VVorld Congress
On Labor and Delivery, July 3-7,1984, Jerusalem, Israel
93. Öztürk Ö, The value of interval period for the mother and the neonate ın preterm prematüre
rupture of membranes. Effect of antibiotic use on the ırtterval period. First VVorld Congress On
Labor and DeliveryJuly 3- 7,1984 Jerusalem, Israel
94 Kara S, Işık AZ, Zeyneloğlu HB, Ege S, Gülekli B, Özcan U, Gökmen O Modhıfıcatıon of
ınsemınatıon protocol ın concentional in vıtro fertılızatıon (IVF) ın severe male factor ınfertılıty.
95 Işık AZ. Zeyneloğlu HB, Şenoz S. Kara S. Ege S. Oral H, Gökmen O Hıgh dosages ın HMG
are not assocıated vvith poor pregnancy outcomes
96. Şenöz S, Kara S, Işık AZ, Zeyneloğlu HB, Keleş G, Oral H. Gökmen O Is strıct suppressıon
crıteria ın GnRH-A, cycles really necessary? International Symposıam on VVomen 's Health in
Menopause Milan, Italy 26-29. 1993
97 Uğur M, Gülerman C, Arslan S, Soysal SK, Zeyneloğlu HB. Gökmen O Use mesosalpingeal
vasopressın infection during laparoscopic salpıngostomy for ectopıa pregnancy: A prospective
study. VVorld Congress of Gynecologicai Endoscopy Jerusalem, Israel Feb 26 - March 3, 1995
and Post Graduate Courses Sheba Medical Center, TCI Hoshomer, February 26 - February 27,
98. Uğur M, Şahin Y, Zorlu G, Turan C, Mungan T, Gökmen O: Adhesion formatıon after
abdominal myomectomy: The role of early (8th day) laparoscopy and adhesiolysis. VVorld
Congress of Gynecologicai Endoscopy Jerusalem, Israel Feb 26 - March 3, 1995 and Post
Graduate Courses Sheba Medical Center, TCI Hoshomer, February 26 - February 27, 1995
99 Arslan S, Uğur M, Gülerman C. Yeşilyurt H, Gökmen O Laparoscopic management of benign
ovarian cysts. VVorld Congress of Gynecologıcal Endoscopy Jerusalem, Israel Feb 26 - March
3, 1995 and Post Graduate Courses Sheba Medical Center, TCI Hoshomer, February 26 -
February 27, 1995.
100. Uğur M. Çelıkkanat H, Batıoğlu S, Şahin Y. Oral H, Nuhoğlu G, Gökmen O: Hysteroscopic
treatment of ıntrauterine septum VVorld Congress of Gynecological Endoscopy Jerusalem,
Israel Feb 26 - March 3, 1995 and Post Graduate Courses Sheba Medical Center, TCI
Hoshomer, February 26 - February 27, 1995.
101. Kara S. Işık AZ, Zeyneloğlu HB, Ege S, Güleklı B, Özcan U, Gökmen O Modıficatıon of
ınsemınatıon protocol in conventional İn Vitro Fertılızatıon (IVF) n severe male factor infertılity.
IX th VVorld congress on ın vıtro fertılızatıon and assisted reproduction. Vienna, 3-7,1995
102. Şenöz S, Kara S, Işık AZ, Zeyneloğlu HB, Keleş G. Oral H, Gökmen O Is strıct suppression
crıterıa ın GnRH-A cycles really necessary? IX th VVorld congress on in vıtro fertılization and
assisted reproduction Vienna. 3-7,1995
103. Ege S. Şenöz S, Kara S, Işık AZ, Gökmen O: Electron microscopıc (EM) study of
ultramorphologıcal parameters in oligoasthenospermıc specımens and effect of pentoxifylline on
sperm morphology. IX th VVorld congress on ın vitro fertilizatıon and assisted reproduction
Vienna, 3-7.1995
104. Ege S, Şenöz S, Gülekli B, Kara S, Işık AZ, Gökmen O: Effect of Pentoxıfylline on sperm
motility ın olıgoastheospermic specimens. IX th VVorld congress on in vitro fertılization and
assisted reproduction. Vienna, 3-7,1995
105. Kara S, Zeyneloğlu HB, Şenöz S, Işık AZ, Gülekli B, Oral H, Gökmen O the comparison of
three different luteal phase supports in IVF patients. IX th VVorld congress on in vitro
fertılization and assisted reproduction. Vienna, 3-7,1995
106. Şenöz S, Gülekli B, Işık AZ, Keleş G, Kara S, Dagli G, Gökmen O: The comparıson of four
different GnRH-a regimen In-Vitro fertiiization. IX th VVorld congress on ın vitro fertiiization and
assisted reproductıon. Vienna, 3-7,1995
107. Zeyneloğlu H, Işık AZ, Kara S. Şenöz S, Özcan U, Gökmen O: The impact of baseline cysts at
the tıem of administration of gonadotropın- releasıng hormone analogue (GnRH-A) for in vıtro
fertiiization (IVF). IX th VVorld congress on in vitro fertiiization and assisted reproductıon.
Vienna. 3-7,1995
108 Işık AZ. Gökmen O, Zeyneloğlu HB, Kara S, Keleş G, Gülekli B Intravenous albumin prevents
moderate-severe ovarıan hyperstımulatıon ın In-Vıtro Fertiiization patıents: A prospectıve
randomized and controlled study. IX th VVorld congress on ın vıtro fertiiization and assisted
reproductıon. Vienna, 3-7,1995
109 Kutluk S. Akkoyun F, Şenöz S, Gökmen O The depression and self- esteem levels ın infertile
couples: A gender dıfference. IXth VVorld Congress on İn Vitro Fertiiization and Assisted
Reproductıon Vienna, April 3-7. 1995.
110 Işık A. Zeyneloğlu H, Şenöz S, Ege S, Oral H, Gökmen O Hıgh dosages of hMG are not
assocıated vvith poor pregnancy outcomes IXth VVorld Congress on İn Vitro Fertiiization and
Assisted Reproductıon Vienna. April 3-7. 1995.
111. Işık A, Şenöz S, Keleş G, Gülekli B, Özcan U, Gökmen O Type of endometrial sonographic
pattern but not thickness has an effect on pregnancy rates in an in vıtro fertiiization program.
IXth VVorld Congress on İn Vitro Fertiiization and Assisted Reproduction Vienna, April 3-7,
112. Gökmen O, Uğur M. Treatment of endometriosis vvith the gonadotrophin releasing hormone
agonist triptorelin: aTurkish multicentre study. Abstracts of the 11 th Annual Meeting of the
ESHRE, Hamburg 1995 Abstrakt no:050
113. Gökmen O, Çelikkanat H, Şenöz S: Changes in steroid levels vvith aging and the duration of
menopause in postmenopausal vvomen. IXth VVorls
Congress on İn Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproduction Vienna, Aprıl 3-7. 1995.
114. Oransay S, Şenöz S, Çamurdan O, Gökmen O: Comparison of osteoporosıs in spontaneous
and surgical menapause. IXth VVorls Congress on İn Vitro Fertilization and Assisted
Reproduction Vienna, Aprıl 3-7, 1995.
115. Uğur M, Şenöz S, Gökmen O: Combined use of long-acting gonadotrophin-releasing hormone
and low-dose donazol for advanced stage endometrios: a preliminary study. 11 th Annual
Meeting Hamburg June 28 - July 1 1995. European Society of Human Reproduction and
Embryology Abstrakt no'361
116. Doğan M, Uğur M, Kara S, Soydal ME, Ekici E, Gökmen O Transvaginal sonographıc
diagnosis of ovarian endometrıosıs' • a prospectıves study. 11 th Annual Meeting Hamburg
June 28 - July 1 1995 European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology.Abstrakt
117 Ekici E. Doğan M, Soysal ME, Kara S. Gökmen O: The efficıency of transvaginal sonography ın
the diagnosis of tubo-ovarian obscess. 11 th Annual Meeting Hamburg June 28 - July 1 1995.
European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. Abstrakt" no:373
118. Ekici E , Sosyal ME, Doğan M , Kara S. Gökmen O The predictıon of mature cystıc teratoma
wıth transvaginal ultrasonography. June 28 - July 1 1995 European Society of Human
Reproduction and Embryology. Abstrakt" 394
119. Kara S. Güleklı B, Işık AZ, Şenöz S, Zeyneloğlu H. Uğur M, Gökmen O. Management of pure
gonadal dysgenesis June 28 - July 1 1995. European Society of Human Reproduction and
Embryology Abstrakt"370
120. Kara S, Işık AZ, Şenöz S, Zeyneloğlu, Gülekli B, Gökmen O Neurofibromatosis with vulvar
involvement and retarded sexual development:a case report June 28 - July 1 1995. European
Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. Abstrakt" 371
121. Ekici E, Kara S, Soysal ME, Doğan M, Gökmen O. Polycystic ovan/ existence in mature cystic
teratoma cases. June 28 - July 1 1995. European Society of Human Reproduction and
Embryology. Abstrakt"372
122. Çelikkanat H, Şenöz S, Gökmen O: Effects of the rapıd decline ın estrogen levels in
perimenopausal period on lipoprotein lipıd levels. 15th VVorld Congress on Fertility and Sterılıty
Montpellier-France-September 17-22, 1995.
123 Şenöz S, Gülekli B, Dırem B, Işık AZ. Kara S, Zeyneoğlu HB, Gökmen O: Estrogen deprivation,
not the age of patients ıs the responsible factor for the poor cardiovascular risk in vvomen. 15th
VVorld Congress on Fertility and Sterility Montpellier-France-September 17-22, 1995.
124 Zeyneloğlu HB, Işık AZ, Seçkin B, Şenöz S, Batıoğlu S, Zorlu G, ' Gökmen O The effect of the
inıtiatıon day fo clomiphene citrate on the outome of the ovulatıon ıntroctıon cycle. 15th VVorld
Congress on Fertility and Sterility Montpellier-France-September 17-22, 1995.
125 Zeyneloğlu HB, Işık AZ. Zorlu G, Selam B, Şenöz G, Gökmen O Comparison of two regimens
on serum lıpıd changes in vvomen vvith prematüre ovarian faılure: restradiol valerate +
cyproterone acetate (clımen) versus conjugated equine estrogen + Medroxyprogesterone
acetate. 15th VVorld Congress on Fertility and Sterility Montpellier- France-September 17-22,
126 Gökmen O Şenöz S, Gülekli B, Işık AZ, : Comparison of four dıfferent treatment regımes ın
hırsutism related to polycystic ovary syndrome 15th. VVorld Congress on Fertility and Sterility
Montpellıer-France September 17-22, 1995
127 Gökmen O Çelikkanat H, Şenöz S. Changes in steroid levels vvith agıng and the duration of
menopause ın postmenopausal vvomen. 15th, VVorld Congress on Fertility and Sterility.
Montpellier-France September 17-22, 1995
128 Doğanay M, Çelikkanat H, Alaybeyoğlu L, Gülerman HC, Gökmen O. Long term effects of
dıfferent hormone replacement therapy regimens on the endometrium. 8th International
Congress on the Menopause 3-7 November 1996, Sydney Australıa 
129 Oransay S, Şenöz S, Çamurdan O, Gökmen O Comparison of osteoporosis in spontaneous
and surgical menopause. 15th, VVorld Congress on Fertility and Sterility. Montpellier-France
September 17-22,1995
130. Çelikkanat H, Gökmen O, Gülerman HC, Möröy P, Tan M, Özakşıt G. Tea consumptıon and
bone mineral density in postmenopausal vvomen 8th International Congress on the Menopause
3-7 November 1996, Sydney Australia
131 Çelikkanat H, Möröy P, Gülerman HC, Doğanay M, Alaybeyoğlu L. Şener B. Gökmen O, ,
impact of smoking on bone mineral density of menopausal patients. 8th International Congress
on the Menopause 3-7 November 1996, Sydney Australia
132. Oransay S. Çelikkanat H, Möröy P, Gülerman HC, Doğanay M. Özakşıt G, Gökmen O. A
study on premenopausal symptoms of Turkısh vvomen 8th International Congress on the
Menopause 3-7 November 1996, Sydney Australia
133. Gülerman HC, Gökmen O, Çelikkanat H, Möröy P, Alaybeyoğlu L Doğanay M, Şener B.
Prevalence of hormone replacement therapy ın menopausal vvomen 8th International Congress
on the Menopause 3-7 November 1996, Sydney Australia
134 Gökmen O, Möröy P, Gülerman HC, Çelikkanat H, Şenöz S, Şener B Age at menopause: The
effect of leiomyoma uteri. 8th International Congress on the Menopause 3-7 November 1996,
Sydney Australia
135. Möröy P, Gökmen O, Gülerman HC, Çelikkanat H, Doğanay M. Oransay S. Bone mineral
content of postmenopausal vvomen wıth leiomyoma uterı. 8th International Congress on the
Menopause 3-7 November 1996, Sydney Australia
136. Doğanay M, Gülerman HC, Çelikkanat H, Zergeroğlu S, Alaybeyoğlu L, Gökmen O. The effect
of estrogen and vitamin E treatment on the maturation index of cervicovaginal smear. 8th
International Congress on the Menopause 3-7 November 1996, Sydney Australia
137. Gülerman HC, Möröy P, Çetindağ Çelikkanat H, Alaybeyoğlu L, Gökmen O. Comparison of
mammographic findings in asymptomatic patients and cases vvith breast symptoms. 8th
International Congress on the Menopause 3-7 November 1996, Sydney Australia
138 Möröy P, Gülerman HC, Alaybeyoğlu L, Çetindağ i, Selam B, Gökmen O. An epıdemiologic
study of the bone mineral status of Turkish women. 8th International Congress on the
Menopause 3-7 November 1996. Sydney Australia
139. Özşahın A, Avcı N, Gökmen O The characteristics of menopausal patients taking psychiatric
help. 8th International Congress on the Menopause 3-7 November 1996, Sydney Australia
140. Oransay S, Gökmen O, Çelikkanat H, Şener B, Özakşit G, Möröy P Serum lıpid profile of
surgıcal and natural postmenopausal Turkish vvomen. 8th International Congress on the
Menopause 3-7 November 1996, Sydney Australia
141 Möröy P. Çelikkanat H, Oransay S. Gökmen O, Doğanay M, Tan M Özakşıt G. Menopausal
complaints: Effect on the type of menopause 8th International Congress on the Menopause 3-7
November 1996. Sydney Australia
142 Seçkin NC. Şener AB, Turhan NÖ, Gökmen O, Özmen Ş, Öztürk M Kaftanoğlu E. The effects
of hormone replacement therapy on serum concentratıons of lipoprotein (a), angıotensin
converting emnzyme and insulin ın postmenopause. 8th International Congress on the
Menopause 3-7 November 1996, Sydney Australia
143 Özakşit G, Şener AB, Kuşçu E, Seçkin NC, Oransay S, Çelikkanat H. Möröy P. Gökmen O.
Cervical Displasia in postmenopausal vvomen 8th International Congress on the Menopause
3-7 November 1996, Sydney Australia
144. Möröy P, Çelikkanat , Oranay S, Gökmen O, Doğanay M, Tan, Özakşit G. Menopausal
complaints: effect of the type of menopause8th International Congress on the Menopause 3-7
November 1996, Sydney Australia
145. Arslan S, Gökmen O,Yeşilyurt H, Güngör M, Yalçın HR, Uğur M. Is there any relation
betvveen the size of a tubal pregnancy and serum B- human chorionic gonadotropin levels. 10
th VVorld Congress on in vitro fertilization and assisted reproduction 24-28 May 1997
Vancouver, BC, Canada
146. Arslan S, Yeşilyurt H, Yalçın HR, Güngör M, Uğur M, Gökmen O Laparoscpic treatment of
severe endometriosis. 10 th VVorld Congress on in vitro fertilization and assisted reproduction
24-28 May 1997 Vancouver, BC, Canada
147. Doğan M. Çelikkanat H, Keleş G, Gökmen O The efficacy of the administration of human
serum albumin for the prevention of severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 10 th VVorld
Congress on in vıtro fertilization and assisted reproduction 24-28 May 1997 Vancouver, BC.
148. Şenöz S, Malkoç S, Gökmen O A prospective randomized clinıcal trıal of intrauterine
insemination versus timed ıntercourse in cycles stimulated with human menopausal
gonadotropin or clomiphene citrate 10 th VVorld Congress on in vitro fertilization and assisted
reproduction 24-28 May 1997, Vancouver, BC, Canada
149 Şenöz S, Keleş G, Seçkin B, Onat A, Doğan M, Çelikkanat H, Gökmen O. The value of oocyte
activation by cytoplasm aspiration and sperm immobılization ın ıntracytoplasmic sperm
infection. 10 th VVorld Congress on in vitro fertılization and assisted reproduction 24-28 May
1997 . Vancouver, BC, Canada
150. Şenöz S, Gökmen O, Cılız Ş, Onat A, Seçkin B. Endometriosis patients versus patients with
tubal factor in invitro fertilization and embryo transfer. 10 th VVorld Congress on in vitro
fertilization and assisted reproduction, 24-28 May 1997, Vancouver, BC, Canada .
151. Şenöz S, Gülenbay N, Gökmen O. The comparison of morphological and endocrinological
assesments in regeral to response to clomiphene therapy in polycystic ovary 10 th VVorld
Congress on in vitro fertilization and assisted reproduction 24-28 May 1997 Vancouver, BC,
152. Şenöz S, Keleş G, Onat A, Seçkin B, Gökmen O. A new ovulation induction protocol for in
vitro fertiiization and embryo transfer. 10 th VVorld Congress on in vitro fertiiization and
assisted ceproduction 24-28 May 1997 Vancouver, BC, Canada
153. Yıldırım A, Hassa H, Tekin B, Toksöz L, Gökmen O.İnan M. The integrated progesterone
threshold value ın the assessment of luteal phase deficiency. 13 th Annual Meeting Edinburg
June 22-25 1997 Human Reproduction
154 Yeşilyurt H, Gülerman C, Uğur M, Arslan S, Batıoğlu S, Gökmen O Laparoscopic drilling in PCD
and adhesion formation. 2-8 August 1997, Denmark.
155. A Ecevit, Çağlar T, Özdener, Türkçapar, Seçkin B, Tarcan A, Bilge Ü, Gökmen O Causes of
perinatal mortality according to VVigglesvvorth classıfication. XVI th European congress of
Perinatal medicine 10-13 June 1998 Zagreb, Croatia
156. Kavuz B, Ercan T, Özdener T, Özyurt F, Danışman N, Bilge Ü, Gökmen O. The predictive
value of amniotic fluid urea, creatinin and uric acıd values and fetal lung maturation tests in
respiratory distress syndrome cases. XVI th European Congress of Perinatal medicine 10-13
June 1998 Zagreb. Croatia
157. Pata S. Özdener T, Özyurt F, Yalçın HR, Danışman N, Bilge Ü, Gökmen O. Maternal and fetal
risk factors in twın pregnancies: A revievv of 384 cases. XVI th European Congress of Perinatal
medicine 10-13 June 1998 Zagreb, Croatia
158 . Çağlar T, Özdener T, Türkçapar F, Bilge Ü, Gökmen O Maternal and fetal complıcatıons
associated vvith gestational diabetes mellitus The Fetus as a Patient and Fetal Cardiology. XIV
International Congress. Amsterdam May 12-15, 1998
159. Çağlar T, Gökmen O, Özdener T, Seçkin B, Bilge Ü. Cigarette smoking as a risk factor in
preterm labour. The Fetus as a Patient and Fetal Cardiology. XIV International Congress. Amsterdam
May 12-15, 1998
160. Seçkin B,Yalcın HR.Tarhan I.Türkçapar F.Gokmen O.Advanced intraligamentary pregnancy
resulting in a live birth.The Fetus a patient and fetal cardiology.14.International congress Amsterdam
May 12-15,1998
161 Sucak A,Yapar EG. Gökmen O.The flow cytometric analyses of T-cell subsets in normal and high
risk pregnanies.The fetus as a Patient and Fetal Cardiology.14.International Congress Amsterdam May 12-
162 Eyi EG,Bilge Ü, Gökmen O .Congenital anomalies and perinatal mortality in twins and
singleton matched for gestational age at delivery.The Fetus as a Patient and Fetal Cardiology
14.International Congress Amsterdam May 12-15 1998
163 Eyi EG,Bilge Ü .Gokmen O.Tuberculosis:still an indirect cause of maternal death:clinial sonographic
fetaures.The Fetus as a Patient and Fetal Cardiology.14.lntemational Congress Amsterdam May12-
164 Gökmen O.Hormone replacement therapy,Lipid lipoprotein conentrations 13 th Congress of the
Europen Association of Gynaeologists and Obstetricians Jerusalem,Israel,May 10-14 1998
165 Gökmen O .ÇağlarT.Eyi EG.Özdener T,Bilge Ü .Associated maternal and fetal complications in
preterm labor 13 th Congress of the European Association of Gynaecologist andb Obstetricians
Jerusalem,Israel,May 10-14,1998
166 Gökmen O,Cağlar T,Eyi EG,Bilge Ü.Oupational risk factors in preterm delivery 13 th Congress of
the Europen Association of Gynaecologist and Obstetricians Jerusalem,Israel,May 10-14,1998
167 Ekin M, Gökmen O.üğur M.Keleş G,Çelikkanat H.Effect of Smoking on Ovulation Induction for
Assisted Reproductive Techniques IFFS 98 16 th VVorld Congress on Fertility and Sterility and 54 th
Annual Metting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine October 4-9 ,1998
168 Çelikkanat H, Gökmen O.Keles G,Doğan M,Özcan U.The Affect of Progesterone Levels on
the Day of Hcg Adminisstration for IVF Pregnancy Rates.İFFS 98 16 th VVorld Congress on Fertility and
Sterility and 54 th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine
169 Ozcan S, Gökmen O.Çelikkanat H,Doğan M,Oral H.ln Vıtro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer in
Patients with One Ovary.İFFS 98 16 th VVorld Congress on Fertility and Sterility and 54 th Annual Meeting
of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine October 4-9,1998
170 Turan C. Gokmen O.Doğan M.Keleş G.Oral H.ICSI or IVF:Whıch has a hıgher rate of pregnancy
loss?13 th Congress of the European Association of Gynaecologısts and Obstetrıcıans(EAGO)
Jerusalem,Israel May 10-14,1998
171 Saygılı E,Uğur M.Güngör T,Ekin M. Gokmen O . 11 th VVorld Congress on IVF and Human
Reproductive Genetics.Sydney,Australia,May 9-14 1999.Does Ovarian Stimulation for IVF Induse a
Hypercoagulable state?
172 Gokmen O .Uğur M,Ekin M,Turan C.Oral H. 11 th Wor! Congress on IVF and Human Reproductive
Genetics.Sydney,Australia,May 9-14 1999.IV Albumin versus HES for the prevention of OHSS in an IVF
Programme a prospective randomised controlled study. V
173 Bayar UO.Uğur M.Bilensoy T,Gökmen O.H .th VVorld Congress on IVF and Human
Reproductive Genetics,Sydney .Australia,May 9-14 1999.Can circulating autoimmune antibodies be
resposible for implantation failure in IVF patients.
174 Doğan M, Gökmen O.Keles G.Use Of The Flare Up Protocol Wıth Gonadotropıns For IVF ın Poor
Responders.11th VVorld Congress On İn Vıtro Fertiiization and Human Reproductive Genetics 9-14 May
175 Doğan M. Gökmen O .Keles G.11.th VVorld Congress on IVF and Human Reproductive Genetics
Sydney,Australia.May 9-14 1999.Use of Flare up Protocol vvith Gonadotrophins for IVF in poor
176 Möröy P.Gülerman C,Cetindag I.Ozcimen N,and Gökmen O .Effects of Long-term hormone
repracement therapy on postmenopausal bone loss.The 9 th International Menopause Society VVorld
Congress On the Menopause Yokohama,Japan October 17-21,1999
177 GülermanC,Çelen S.Moroy P .Gökmen O. 9 th International Menopause Society VVorld Congress
on the Menopause.Yokohoma,Japan,Oct 17-21 1999.The Effect of HRT at postmenopausal women to
plasma apolipopriten A,and aoipoprotein B levels;atherogenic index and risk for cardiobascular disease
178 9th International Menopause Society World Congress on the Menopause. Yokohoma, Japan, Oct
17-21, 1999. Effects of several HRT regimens on blood pressure. C. Gülerman, N. Terzi, P.Moroy,
179 9th International Menopause Society World Congress on the Menopause. Yokohoma, Japan, Oct
17-21, 1999.An epidemiologic review of our menopause population. C. Gülerman, P.Moroy, A.Sargin,
180 9 th International Menopause Society World Congress on the Menopause. Yokohoma, Japan, Oct
17-21, 1999.Results of mammographic screening in Turkish vvomen menopausal population. P.Moroy,
I.Cetindag, C.Gülerman, T.Özdener, A.Sargin, O.Gökmen.
181 9th International Menopause Society World Congress op;the Menopause. Yokohoma, Japan, Oct 17-
21, 1999.Effects of long term HRT on postmenopausal bone loss. P.Moroy, C.Gülerman, I.Cetindag,
182 9th International Menopause Society World Congress on the Menopause. Yokohoma, Japan, Oct
17-21, 1999.Bleeding Patterns in Postmenopausal Women Receiving Several Continous Combined
Estrogen/Progestin Regimens. T.Ozdener, P.Moroy, C.Gülerman, A.Aktulay,O.Gökmen.
183 9th International Menopause Society World Congress on the Menopause. Yokohoma, Japan, Oct
17-21, 1999.Sonographic Measuremens of Endometrial Thickness as a Predictor of Vaginal Bleeding in
Women Receiving Continous Combined HRT. T.Ozdener, P.Moroy, C.Gülerman, O.Gökmen
184 9th International Menopause Society World Congress on the Menopause. Yokohoma, Japan, Oct
17-21, 1999.HRT in postmenopausal women vvith uterine leimyomas. P.Moroy, C.Gülerman, T.Ozdener,
185 9th International Menopause Society World Congress on the Menopause. Yokohoma, Japan, Oct
17-21, 1999.Endometrial Histopathologic Changes and Thickfîess in Tamoxifen- treated Postmenopausal
Patients. P.Moroy, C.Gülerman, S.Zergeroglu, O.Gökmen.
186 9th International Menopause Society World Congress on the Menopaftse. Yokohoma, Japan, Oct
17-21, 1999.Prevalence of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women. C.Gülerman. A.Harzadın, P.Moroy,
187 9th International Menopause Society World Congress on the Menopause. Yokohoma, Japan, Oct
17-21, 1999.Effects of Hormone Replacement Regimens on Lipid and Lipoprotein Levels in
Postmenopausal Women. P.Moroy, C.Gülerman, T.Ozdener, G.Yücel, O.Gökmen.
188 European School of Oncology, İzmir 1999. Ovarian Fibrosarcoma. Taner D, Nabae M, Oğuz S.
189 II.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. Hysterescopic
Resection of Submuscous or Intramural Myomas. Yeşilyurt H, Arslan S, Yalçın H, Oral H, O.Gökmen
190 Il.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. Laparoscopic
Cystectomy of Dermoid Cysts With Endobag. S.Arslan, H.Yeşilyurt, H.Yalçm, K.Yüksel, O.Gökmen.
191 Il.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya.Hiportance Uterine
Artery Doppler Studies in Pregnancies Complicated With Hypertension. F.Türkçapar, E.Gönen,
F.Akın,A.Sucak, N.Danışman, O.Gökmen.
192 Il.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. Study of 5000 Birth
With Oxtocin Induction. M.Doğanay, E.Erdemoğlu, C.Gülerman, R.Karayalçın, O.Yenicesu, G.Orbay,
193 Il.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. Cumulative
Incidence of Venous Thromboembolism During Pregnancy and Puerperium. M.Doğanay, E. Erdemoğlu,
C,Gülerman, R.Karayalçın, O.Yenicesu, M.Kalemli. U.Özcan, O.Gökmen.
194 Il.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. Abdominal Versus
Vaginal Birth in Breeck Presentation. M.Doğanay, E.Erdemoğlu, M.Ekin. O.Yenicesu, Ö.Kazancıoğlu,
M.Kalemli, A.Sayılgan, O.Gökmen.
195 Il.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. Diagnosis Accuracy
in Preterm Labor and PROM. A.Aker Çırpan, F.Türkçapar, Ü.Bilge, O.Gökmen.
196 Il.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek. Antalya. Placental Grading in
Fetal Lung Maturity Assesment. F. Türkçapar, O.Temizkan. G.Özakşit, H.Reyhan, T.Çağlar, H.Oral, O.
197 Il.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. The etiology in
intrauterin fetal death. F.Türkçapar, A.Çakar, S.Ceylaner, G.Nuhoğlu, O.Gökmen.
198 Il.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya.The use of eleetro
coutery in genital condylomos of pregnant vvomen. T.Güngör, N. Birgili. M.Erman Akar, M.Özat, Ü.Bilge,
199 Il.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. The failure of
fertilisation in ICSI. M.Uğur, M.Özgüner, A.Ataman. H.Kara. O.Gökmen
200 Il.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya.Uterus Didelphys,
Obstructed Hemivagına and lpsilateral Renal Agenesıs. A Rare Cause of Acute Abdomen in Teenage
Girls. Report Of Two Cases. M.Uğur, H.Yeşilyurt, H.Yalçın, O.Gökmen.
201 Il.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. A Clomiphene Citrate
and Tamoxifen Combinantion Therapy in Ovulation Induction. K. Yüksel H.Yeşilyurt,S.Aslan, H.Yalçın,
B.Özdal, O.Gökmen.
202 II.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. Clomiphene Citrate
and Prednisone in Women Resistant to Climiphene Alone. K.Yüksel, H.Yeşilyurt, H.Yalçın, S.Aslan,
A.Çakar, O.Gökmen.
203 II.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. Ovulation Induction
With Low-Dose administration of Follicle Stimulating Hormone in Polycystic Ovaries. K.Yüksel, H.Yeşilyurt,
S.Aslan, H.Yalçın, B.Özdal, O.Gökmen.
204 II.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. Serum Selenium
Levels in Bening Mol and Malign Gestational Tropholastic Disease. T.Güngör, T.Var, A.Aydın,
T.Alaybeyoğlu, O .Gökmen
205 II.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. The_iv> Role of Color
Doppler Ultrasonography in The Characterization of Ovarian Malignancv. T.Güngör, M.Erman Akar,
S.Özcan, H.Dumanlı, O.Gökmen.
206 II.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3.-7,'Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. The Etiologic
Agents in S.T.Disease. T.Güngör, S.Laçin, B.Karakoca, N.Birgili, O.Gökmen.
207 II.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya.The Endometrial
Changes in Ectopic Pregnancy. T.Güngör, M.Erman Akar, A.Çakar, U.Özcan. O.Gökmen.
208 II.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. Chlamydia
Trachomatis: Is it risk factor in ectopic pregnancy? T.Güngör, T.Var. S.Özcan, M.Erman Akar, U.Özcan,
209 II.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya.The Treatment of
Bacterial Vaginosis. T.Güngör, N.Birgili, S.Özcan, M.Erman Akar, O.Gökmen
210 II.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. Cervical smear in
detection of H.P.V. T.Güngör, N.Birgili, S.Zergeroğlu, T. Var, O.Gökmen
211 II.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. Does ptffeer
treatment neccessory in HPV infections? T.Güngör, N.Birgili, M.Erman Akar, E.Parlakyiğit, O.Gökmen.
212 II.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. Adenomyosis Cases,
Our Results. T.Güngör, T.Var, A.Çakar, Ü.Bilge, O.Gökmen
213 II.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. Effects of Long Term
Hormone Replacement Therapy on Postmenopausal Bone Loss. A.Aktulay, P. Mörey, T.Ozdener,
İ.Çetindağ, O.Gökmen.
214 II.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. Oral and
Transdermal HRT on Plasma Lipids. A.Aktulay, P.Möröy, T.Ozdener, O.Gökmen.
215 II.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. Bleeding Patterns in
Postmenopausal Women Receiving Several Continous Combined Estrogen Progestin Regimens.
T.Ozdener, P.Möröy, A.Aktulay, O.Gökmen.
216 Il.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. Hormone
Replacement Therapy in Postmenopausal Women With Uterine Leimyomas. P.Möröy, T.Özdener,
A.Aktulay,M.Sezik, O.Gökmen.
217 Il.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. Uterine Cavity Fluid
assesment in Postmenopausal Women: Is it a predictor of Pathology? T.Özdener, P.Möröy, A.Aktulay,
218 Il.Uluslar arası Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 3-7 Ekim 1999, Belek, Antalya. Endometrial
Monitoring in Postmenopausal Women on Hormone Replacement Therapy. P.Möröy, A.Aktulay,
T.Özdener, C.Gülerman, O.Gökmen.
219 The Role of Color Doppler Ultrasonography in The Characterization of Ovarian Malignancy. Güngör
T, Erman Akar M, Var T, Denli M, O.Gökmen.
220 The First Congress on Gontroversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology&Infertility, İstanbul, 2000. BCL-2
Expression in Cervix Carcinomas and its Relationship With The Stage and The Stage and The
Differantiation Degree. Zergeroğlu S, Güngör T, Aksakal O, O.Gökmen.
221 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, Israel. Cytogenetic Research in 298 Couples With Recurrent
Spontaneous Gentational Losses. Yılmaz Z, O.Gökmen
222 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, Israel.Effects of Oral and Transderman HRT on Plasma Lipids.
Aktulay A, Ozdener T, Moroy P, Turkcapar F, O.Gökmen
223 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, Israel. Effects of Long Term Hormone Replacement Theraphy on
Postmenopausal Bone Loss. Aktulay A, Ozdener T, Moroy P, Turkcapar F, O.Gökmen.
224 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, Israel. Norplant Contraceptive Subdermal Implants. Five years
experience in Turkey. Aktun H, Yalcin H, Moroy P , ' O.Gökmen.
225 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 Aprıl 2000, Israel.Depo-Provera: A long Acting Injectable Contraceptive use in
Turkish Women. Aktun H, Yalcin H, Moroy P, O.Gökmen
226 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, Israel.Laparoscopy Versus Microsurgery by Laparatomy for Ovarian
Endometrioma. O.Gökmen, Yeşilyurt H, Var T, Yalcin H.
227 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology^- Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, Israel. Serum Magnesium Levels in Pregnancy Associated With
Preterm labor. Gungor T, Parlakyigit E, Sucak A, O.Gökmen.
228 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, Israel. Emotional Response of Pregnant Women to Amniocentesis.
Gungor T, Parlakyigit, Sucak A, O.Gökmen.
229 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, Israel. What are the Reasons of Lower Compliance to HRT in Turkish
Urban Population? F.Turkcapar, Özdener T, Aktulay A, O.Gökmen.
230 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, Israel.Endometrial Monitoring in Post Menopausal Women on HRT.
P.Möröy, O.Gökmen, T.Ozdener, G.Yücel.
231 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. , Challenges in
the JRD milleniüm. 11-14 April 2000, Israel. Endometriosis in Adölescent. Var T, Yeşilyurt H, O.Gökmen,
Yalcin H.
232 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, Israel. Treatment of Unruptured ectopic pregnancy vvith a single
dose methotrexate. Yalcin H. Var T, Moroy P. O.Gökmen.
233 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, Israel. Shoulder Pain After Operative Laparoscopy and the Effect of
C02 Insufflation. Yeşilyurt H, Var T, Moroy P, Yilmaz Z. O.Gökmen.
234 T h e International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, Israel. A case Presenting Findings of Both Androgen Insersitivity
Syndrome and Marfan Syndrome. Ceylaner S, Ceylaner G, Arslan S, O.Gökmen.
235 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, Israel. Gonadal Dysgenesis Associated With Rokitansky Sydrome.
Ceylaner S, Yalcin H, Yilmaz Z, O.Gökmen.
236 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, Israel. A case With XP depletion Presenting Prematüre Ovarian
Failure and Severe Scoliosis. Ceylaner G, Yilmaz Z, Akar M. O.Gökmen.
237 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, Israel. Familial Aggregation of Testicular Feminization. Ceylaner S,
Yilmaz S, Akar M, O.Gökmen.
238 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, Israel.Familial Rokitansky Kustner Syndrome. Ceylaner G, Yilmaz Z,
Akar M, O.Gökmen.
239 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in the
JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, Israel. Clinical and Cytogenetic Assesment of 97 Patients With Primary
Amenorrhea. Yılmaz Z, Akar M, Yıldız S, Gökmen O
240 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, İsrael. Endomerial Monitoring in Postmenopausal Women o Hormone
Replacement Therapy. Moroy P, Gökmen O, Özdener C, Aktulay A, Gülerman C, Yücel G
241 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, İsrael. Endometriozis in Adolescent. Var T, Yeşilyurt H, Gökmen O,
Yalçın HR
242 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, İsrael. Effects of Hormone Replacement therapy and statins on
postmenopausal vvomen with abnormal lipid level. Moroy P, Gökmen O, Özdener T, Büyükkağnıcı Ü,
Aktülay A, Erdemoğlu A
243 The International Congress on Reproductive Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Challenges in
the JRD millenium. 11-14 April 2000, İsrael. Effects of alendronate and hormone replacement therapy
(HRT) on established osteoporosis in postmenopausal patients Gülerman C, Moroy P, Özdener T,
Erdemoğlu A, Gökmen O
244 5th European Congress Menopause. 1-5 July 2000, Copenhagen 5 th European menopause
Congress 2000 İsrael. Hormone Replacement Therapy With tibolone. Gökmen O, Moroy P, Gülerman C,
Özdener T, Temizkan O
245 16th FIGO World Congress September, 3-8, 2000 USA. The Contracetive Effıcacy and Acceptablity
of levonorgestral-releasing IUG: Gökmen O, Aktun H, Yalçın H, Moroy P
246 16th FIGO World Congress September, 3-8 2000 USA. Treatment of Chronic Pelvic Pain With
Lalparoscopic Dissection of the Uterosacral Ligaments. Yeşilyurt M, Yalçın H, Var T, Gökmen O
247 16. th FIGO World Congress September, 3-8 2000 USA. Lower Abdominal Pain in Young Women
and Diagnostic Laparoscopy. Yeşilyurt H, Yalçın H, Moroy P, Gökmen O
248 16th FIGO World Congress September, 3-8 2000 USA. Endometrial Ablation. Yalçın H, Yeşilyurt H,
Moroy P, Gökmen O
249 16. th FIGO World Congress September, 3-8 2000 USA. Office Hysteroscopy. Yalçın H, Yeşilyurt H,
Moroy P, Gökmen O
250 16th FIGO World Congress September, 3-8 2000 USA. Norplant Contraceptive Subdermal Implants
5 years esperience in Ankara. Gökmen O, Aktun H, Moroy P
251 16. th FIGO World Congress September, 3-8 2000 USA. HRT After Endometrial Cancer Treatment
Preliminary Results. Moroy P, Gökmen O, Aktulay A, Gülerman C
252 Turkish-German Assosiation 3rd Gynecology and Obstetrics Congress, Antalya 2001. Prenancy in
Women Över Forty. Karayalçın R, Yenicesu O, Ekim M, Gökmen O
253 2nd Congress Conroversies in Obstet & Infertility. September 6-9 2001, Paris. Mamographic Breast
Density During HRT. Gökmen O. Arslan S, Çetindağ I, Tuncay G
254 2nd Congress Conroversies in Obstet&Infertility. September 6-9 2001, Paris. Office Hysteroscopic
Evaluation of Postmenopausal Patiens With Thickened Endormetrium. Arslan S, Gökmen O, Tuncay G
255 2nd International & 5th National Congress on Menopause & Osteoporosis. September 18-21 2002,
İstanbul, Turkey. Session-4. Chainvomen Gökmen O
256 lOth VVorld Congress on the Menopause. June 10-14 2002. Berlin, Germany. Free Comminicotion
Lipid Metabolism. Chainvomen & Panelist. Gökmen O, P. Ki- Hyun
257 lOth World Congress on the Menopause. June 10-14 2002. Berlin, Germany. Scientifıc Committee
Gökmen O
258 4th VVorld Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. April 24-27 2003. Berlin,
Germany. Scientifıc Committee Gökmen O
259 The Fourth World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics Gynecology & Infertility. April 24-27
2003. Berlin, Germany. HRT Under Crossfıre. Birkhauser M, Schneider H.P.G, Gökmen O, Leong M.
260 2nd Global Chinese Congress on Reproductive Medicine. August 4-6 2005. China. Invitro Maturation
of Oocytes Chairwomen. Gökmen O
261 13th World Congress on in Vitro Fertilization Assisted Reproduction & Genetics. May 26 - 29
İstanbul, Turkey. IVF Results in Turkey. Gökmen O
262 The Seventh World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility. April 1 4 -
17 2005. Athens, Greece. Scientifıc Committee. Gökmen O
263 Alexandria Forum for Women's Health Alexandria. March 19-21 2008. Menopause and beyond.
Gökmen O
264 Egyptian Fertility & Sterility Society. Oct. 16-17 2008. Cario. OHSS and Prevention. Gökmen O